Flash Sale | 10% Off Blenders

10% Off Blenders

Beast® in the Press

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Blender with pomegranate desktop
Blender with pomegranate mobile
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Curious? Make the Beast your own.
Produces the smoothest blends to make you Strong Inside™
Glass bottle for making infusions and taking blends to-go
Glass bottle for making infusions and taking blends to-go
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The Beast liquified everything I threw its way — from leafy veggies to celery to frozen strawberries to apple and pineapple chunks.

The Beast liquified everything I threw its way — from leafy veggies to celery to frozen strawberries to apple and pineapple chunks.

“…looks and feels like the sort of blender you might expect if Apple started creating countertop appliances.”

...I never thought I’d enjoy using a blender this much.

Ok, so it’s called the Beast, but this is actually the most elegant blender you’ll ever use.

The Beast Health B10 blends style with substance.

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